- A "Second Report" from Bishop Oliver Hodgson (Sept. 9 or 10)
- A "Preliminary First Report" from Bishop Oliver Hodgson (Sept. 7 or 8)
- An Initial Damage Assessment from Board of World Mission of the Moravian Church (dated September 6)
This is the text of Bishop Oliver Hodgson's Second Report on (or near) September 10.
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Receive our love in midst of sadness, despair and loneliness in a confused situation of death and destruction as our brothers and sisters residing in the North Atlantic Autonomous Region are crying and lamenting the death of their loved ones in correlation with the devastated panorama throughout urban cities and rural communities.
Situation in the North Atlantic Autonomous Regions changes every hour and day. Indeed, we are perplexed, saddened and worried. In my first report I mentioned that unemployment rates up to 85% on the Atlantic Coast. It will be very difficult for us and will take us many years to return where we were before. Here I share the second report of the impact of hurricane Felix on the East Coast of Nicaragua:
Deaths 108
Missing 106
Destroyed communities 52
(Most of these communities have Moravian Churches with a growing statistic. The destruction extends all the way from Puerto Cabezas (Bilwi) to Jinotega, passing through the Mines and the Rio Coco/Wangki)
Contaminated wells. 5,475
People evacuated. 18,4577
People rescued. 102
Destroyed houses 7,798
Affected homes. 8,848
People not evacuated 30,000
Isolated communities in the area of Tasba Pri. 30
Massive destruction in the Rio Coco/Wangki. Flooded rivers. Total destruction of crops throughout the region.
Awastigni: Total destruction. 14 missing.
Sang Sang: 20 missing
It is very difficult to give an exact report because the destruction is way beyond human expression. It’s incalculable.
Sandy Bay was seriously hit by Felix. Extra-official report stated that 300 died, 1000 missing and 63 wounded. The army reported that the death toll may increase to 3,000 because there are zones and areas un-inspected as of yesterday.
Bro. Larry Palmer would like to inform Bro. Mark Ebert to bring sufficient flashlights and batteries. He’s also asking to bring repair materials for the water holding tank at IDSIM’S office. This was destroyed. Water is very much needed.
Most important needs: Carpenter tools, building materials, black plastic for roofs, medicine, water, food, clothes, motor hand saw and a will to work.
Bishop Sam Gray. Thanks for your concerns. I’ve shared it with the Provincial Board. Hope to meet you very soon.
Today, electricity in Bilwi have returned but moderately and limited.
Please remember us in your prayers. Please read and share with others. From your brothers and sisters in Nicaragua
Bishop Oliver Hodgson
This is the text of Bishop Oliver Hodgson's "First Preliminary Report" on (or near) September 7
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
In midst of a devastating and sad memory of heavy, rushing, windy and apocalyptic experience, hurricane Felix landed on the East Coast of Nicaragua creating chaos and destruction amongst its residents and mostly Moravian communities. Filled with tears, sadness and hope in a region where unemployment rates up to 85% we now look and called upon all who might be willing to help us in midst of a wordless expression. We are filled with sadness, our eyes are filled with tears as our brothers and sisters approaches us with extended hands and we just don’t have anything to offer. This is a difficult situation as we called on you TO PLEASE HELP US. The first preliminary report states that over 74,000 people are affected.
The City of Puerto Cabezas (BILWI) is very much destroyed. There isn’t and electricity and no communication abroad. The only way to reach the destroyed area is by air. Therefore, the Provincial Board of the Moravian Church in Bilwi organized an emergency committee and has asked me (BISHOP OLIVER HODGSON) to inform Moravians and others of the present situation. The following reports were received about two hours ago. The reports only cover some of the communities. The Provincial Board and I are monitoring the effects in the other communities. We must say sadly that we do not have any reports about the communities where the hurricane really hit with all its force; namely, the Northern part of Bilwi, The Coco River or Wangki, The mines and Cape Gracias. Therefore, figures may climb much higher.
The Provincial Board of the Moravian Church needs urgently $6,000.00 to help us meet with emergency needs for right now. There isn’t water, food, medicine and zinc. The provincial Board treasurer told me after meeting with the emergency committee that any possible help can be deposited to the following account at the Bank BANPRO. The name of the account IN $ is IMNIC-PROYECTO DE CONSTRUCCIÒN, No. 1001 271 521 5978.
The President of the PEC is making her way just now to some of the affected Moravian Communities. I asked you to remember her in your prayers. Here are some of the preliminary reports. Please share this reports with others.
Totally destroyed neighborhoods- Alemán, The Beach, Loma Verde, San Judas and Punta Fría.
Two Radio Stations: Caribe and The Evangelical Voice of the Caribbean Coast (Radio Veca).
11 Moravian Churches without roof and partially destroyed. Mission houses without roof. Some destroyed others partial. Robert Iobst Hall (Destroyed) Stortz Hall partially destroyed. IDSIM’S Central Office without roof and partially destroyed. IDSIM’S Warehouse (destroyed). Church Bookstore (Destroyed). Superintendent’s home (partially destroyed). John Amos Comenius High School: 10 class rooms destroyed. Moravian Schools in Bilwi without roof. Fallen fruit trees and others (80%). The entire City of Bilwi destroyed in an 80%. The Nipco and the Wawa River are still flooded.
- KAMLA Destroyed
- KRUKIRA 160 destroyed homes
- BETANIA House without roof (1 person died)
- AWASTARA 360 homes destroyed+ 20 wounded
- DAKURA Community destroyed+ 9 died
- TWARA Total destruction
- PRATA 50 destroyed homes + 1 person died.
- SISIN Total destruction including the Church building. M.House no roof.
- Nazareth 101 destroyed homes.
- AUYA PIHNI Destroyed homes. (1 wounded)
- STA MARTA Only 4 houses remain standing.
- TWAPPI 16 houses destroyed. Medical Clinic without roof.
- KARATA 6 destroyed houses. Ecological destruction
- WAWA BAR 10 houses destroyed
- SAASHA Total destruction+ 4 died
I’ll keep you posted with fresh reports. Keep us in your prayers.
Love in Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Oliver Hodgson
Initial damage assessment from the Board of World Mission of the Moravian Church dated September 6 for Moravian Communities in Nicaragua and Honduras
Nicaragua: The Board of World Mission of the Moravian Church of North America has received an initial report on the extent of damage as a result of Hurricane Felix, which made landfall yesterday, September 4th, on the east cost of Nicaragua near Bilwi, also known as Puerto Cabezas. Bishop Oliver Hodgson was contacted in Puerto Cabezas today and he stated approximately 80% of the homes in Puerto Cabezas were destroyed. Bilwi (Puerto Cabezas) and communities north up to the Rio Coco also experienced severe hurricane damage. The two schools in Bilwi were destroyed and the roof of the Hospital is gone as are most roofs all buildings in Bilwi. The home of the President of the PEC in Nicaragua was partially destroyed. Most wooden structures have been destroyed. All highways and roads into Bilwi are gone and the harbor wharf was destroyed. The only way in to deliver supplies are by Military Air lifts. There is no electricity at this time in Bilwi.
Bishop Hodgson is the emergency responder contact for the Moravian Church in Nicaragua. An initial assessment of the damage is being conducted today by leaders of the Nicaraguan Moravian Church and a full report will be sent to the Board of World Mission by the end the day. The BWM will make the report available once received.
Honduras: Initial reports from Honduras indicated that coastal communities in Gracias A Dios were spared from high winds and have received much rain and some flooding. Contacts in Cocobila and Puerta Limpera, Honduras report little wind damage. The BWM hopes to be in contact with the Clinica Evengelica Moravia today by radio to learn of any possible Hurricane related damage.
Response: There have been no reports of casualties at this time by church leaders. Please continue to pray for our Moravian Brothers and Sisters during this difficult time. A Moravian Disaster Response Team is preparing to leave for Nicaragua within the next week. Once in place, the response team will be able to make further assessments of damage and ways to assist in the rebuilding of churches and communities damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Felix.
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If you include skim my prior posts, there is nothing artistic in these reports. The Massachusetts plan, which includes an Obama-like guaranty mandate, has increased the legions of insured, at bottom in the halfway point flourishing half-grown adults. Regardless how, it has also resulted in crowded hazard rooms, increased waits, and higher costs. Strong lobbying efforts be experiencing blocked politicians from cold fees paid to doctors and hospitals. Increasing costs organize resulted in higher assurance premiums which parsimonious companies can no longer produce, [url=http://shopper4.us/site4/commercialinsurancedefinition/ ]ubezpieczenie zdrowotne[/url] most appropriate to patients being dumped into the status system. The body, already in the throes of a dip, be compelled cope with these increased costs.
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No fact how gentlewoman the underlying aim, actuality usually prevails. This will-power also be the pit of topics I compel be lovely up in the next sprinkling weeks. I pass on be examining in cleverness the drift of Size, drugs, strength, savagery and smoking on healthcare outcomes and costs, and test to set far-off a conference all down what function important burden should give in healthcare. I walk be suitable also be examining an respected and now in a morose moon discussed light of American healthcare the glorious amount of kale, quickly and emotional striving Americans allot to trashy or even-handed condition practices, what I adopt visit the obligation of magic in healthcare. More to come.
Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions
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